INTERNAL REFERENCE : 140729 - EAN CODE : 3661295617501

Lingettes 2 en 1 parfumées. Nettoient et purifient les surfaces. Eliminent bactéries, champignons, levures, virus. Parfum essence de Niaouli. Bactéricide, fongicide, lévuricide, virucide.

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Product(s) offered with the purchase of an item in the "BIG DEALS 17" promotion with a minimum amount of 150 € (Offer not cumulative) Available (Valid offer on the following products: 140001, 121979, 121978, 121977, 121980, 140698, 140699, 140932, 140933, 140934, 140931, 140726, 140728, 140729, 140255, 211067, 211253, 211254, 211255, 211072, 211074, 211075, 211071, 211073, 211069, 211070, 211068, 211252, 211250, 211251, 211076, 211081, 211083, 211084, 211080, 211082, 211078, 211077, 211079, 140571, 140574, 211450, 211445, 211447, 211448, 211451, 211466, 211449, 211446, 211468, 211467, 211470, 211473, 140700, 140977, 140978, 140714, 140702, 140701, 140707, 140748, 140749, 140751, 140937, 140754, 211452, 211453, 211454, 211455, 211463, 211472, 211475, 211556, 211557, 211558, 141026, 141050, 141214, 141378, 141471, 813025, 101432, 100422, 323068, 431103, 431106, 431021, 431296, 150096, 150097, 150098, 150103, 150085, 150111, 150400, 440301, 440302, 440300, 440297, 100099, 612129, 612249, 612250, 330019, 330020, 330021, 330022, 330479, 330480, 330481, 330482, 330579, 330580, 330584, 333100, 333099, 331225, 333125, 333132, 333133, 333134, 333135, 331226, 331227, 331228, 331229, 331230, 331231, 331276, 331277, 331278, 331279, 331280, 332058, 332059, 332084, 332082, 332115, 332121, 510026, 104065, 104092, 104093, 104064, 104106, 104105, 104063, 104016, 104017, 101109, 101031, 101110, 101161, 101194, 101162, 101111, 101195, 101032, 121918, 121919, 121920, 121921, 121922, 121929, 121930, 440298, 440299, 440368, 440382, 441163, 300401, 441442, 301078, 160275, 421663, 421605, 421604, 802000, 411129, 411088, 411227, 161177, 161002, 161178, 161179, 161008, 161009, 161072, 161075, 161076, 161079, 161080, 161087, 421007P, 813055P, 630117, 630006, 412029, 411220, 411221, 411222, 412040, 200020, 200021, 200028, 200086, 200087, 200089, 200091, 200092, 200088, 200090, 200095, 802320, 802707, 802706, CAD271, CAD330, 510026P, CAD498, 402125, 402124, 402126, CAD582, 630112, 150085P, 150096P, 150098P, 150103P, 421305, 421628, 210023, 210026, 210036, 210038, 210039, 210040, 210053, 210041, 210042, 210043, 210049, 210051, 210052, 210054, 210055, 210056, 210072, 210104, 210077, 210105, 210076, 210131, 210132, 210133, 210080, 210081, 210106, 210082, 210107, 210130, 210129, 210134, 402103, 402104, 802003, CAD652, CAD654, CAD655, 1401025, 1401026, 141517, 141529, 440506, 233183, 233184, 233185, 233186, 233187, 233188, 233190, 233189, 233191, 233192, 233193, 233194, 233195, 233196, 233197, 233198, 233199, 233200, 200293, 200294, CAD679, 161601, 161602, 161603, 213059, 213060, 161604, 161605, 161606, 150123, 741449, 741450, 741453, 741454, 741455, 741456, 330606, 330607, 330608, 330609, 330610, 622168, 622169, 622170, 301099, 211487, 211488, CAD684, 1401065, 1401066, 1401067, 1401068, 1401069, 1401070, 1401071, 152140, 152142, 151093, 411235, 412041, 411236, 200295, 200297, 200296, 200298, 200300, 200301, 141582, 141584, 141585, 141586, 141587, 141588, 141589, 141590, 141591, 141592, 200294P, 200293P, 200300P, 200301P, 1211059, 1211060, 141593, 141594, 522056, 221819, 221820, 150111P, 150123P, 141459P, 140334P, 140706P, 150400P, 333099P, 333100P, 333125P, 333132P, 333133P, 333134P, 333135P, 200302, 200303, 200304, 200305, 141583)


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  • Weight
    0.05 kg
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