INTERNAL REFERENCE : 140698 - EAN CODE : 3661291161725

L'alliance parfaite entre destructeurs d'odeurs et parfumants. Absorbe, neutralise et détruit immédiatement toutes les mauvaises odeurs (animales, sanitaires, tabac, cuisine). Ne masque pas les mauvaises odeurs mais les détruit. Fragrances exclusives à binotes de haute qualité. Pulvérisation sèche sans retombées humides. Efficacité longue durée.

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Product(s) offered with the purchase of an item in the "BIG DEALS 17" promotion with a minimum amount of 150 € (Offer not cumulative) Available (Valid offer on the following products: 140001, 121979, 121978, 121977, 121980, 140698, 140699, 140932, 140933, 140934, 140931, 140726, 140728, 140729, 140255, 211067, 211253, 211254, 211255, 211072, 211074, 211075, 211071, 211073, 211069, 211070, 211068, 211252, 211250, 211251, 211076, 211081, 211083, 211084, 211080, 211082, 211078, 211077, 211079, 140571, 140574, 211450, 211445, 211447, 211448, 211451, 211466, 211449, 211446, 211468, 211467, 211470, 211473, 140700, 140977, 140978, 140714, 140702, 140701, 140707, 140748, 140749, 140751, 140937, 140754, 211452, 211453, 211454, 211455, 211463, 211472, 211475, 211556, 211557, 211558, 141026, 141050, 141214, 141378, 141471, 813025, 101432, 100422, 323068, 431103, 431106, 431021, 431296, 150096, 150097, 150098, 150103, 150085, 150111, 150400, 440301, 440302, 440300, 440297, 100099, 612129, 612249, 612250, 330019, 330020, 330021, 330022, 330479, 330480, 330481, 330482, 330579, 330580, 330584, 333100, 333099, 331225, 333125, 333132, 333133, 333134, 333135, 331226, 331227, 331228, 331229, 331230, 331231, 331276, 331277, 331278, 331279, 331280, 332058, 332059, 332084, 332082, 332115, 332121, 510026, 104065, 104092, 104093, 104064, 104106, 104105, 104063, 104016, 104017, 101109, 101031, 101110, 101161, 101194, 101162, 101111, 101195, 101032, 121918, 121919, 121920, 121921, 121922, 121929, 121930, 440298, 440299, 440368, 440382, 441163, 300401, 441442, 301078, 160275, 421663, 421605, 421604, 802000, 411129, 411088, 411227, 161177, 161002, 161178, 161179, 161008, 161009, 161072, 161075, 161076, 161079, 161080, 161087, 421007P, 813055P, 630117, 630006, 412029, 411220, 411221, 411222, 412040, 200020, 200021, 200028, 200086, 200087, 200089, 200091, 200092, 200088, 200090, 200095, 802320, 802707, 802706, CAD271, CAD330, 510026P, CAD498, 402125, 402124, 402126, CAD582, 630112, 150085P, 150096P, 150098P, 150103P, 421305, 421628, 210023, 210026, 210036, 210038, 210039, 210040, 210053, 210041, 210042, 210043, 210049, 210051, 210052, 210054, 210055, 210056, 210072, 210104, 210077, 210105, 210076, 210131, 210132, 210133, 210080, 210081, 210106, 210082, 210107, 210130, 210129, 210134, 402103, 402104, 802003, CAD652, CAD654, CAD655, 1401025, 1401026, 141517, 141529, 440506, 233183, 233184, 233185, 233186, 233187, 233188, 233190, 233189, 233191, 233192, 233193, 233194, 233195, 233196, 233197, 233198, 233199, 233200, 200293, 200294, CAD679, 161601, 161602, 161603, 213059, 213060, 161604, 161605, 161606, 150123, 741449, 741450, 741453, 741454, 741455, 741456, 330606, 330607, 330608, 330609, 330610, 622168, 622169, 622170, 301099, 211487, 211488, CAD684, 1401065, 1401066, 1401067, 1401068, 1401069, 1401070, 1401071, 152140, 152142, 151093, 411235, 412041, 411236, 200295, 200297, 200296, 200298, 200300, 200301, 141582, 141584, 141585, 141586, 141587, 141588, 141589, 141590, 141591, 141592, 200294P, 200293P, 200300P, 200301P, 1211059, 1211060, 141593, 141594, 522056, 221819, 221820, 150111P, 150123P, 141459P, 140334P, 140706P, 150400P, 333099P, 333100P, 333125P, 333132P, 333133P, 333134P, 333135P, 200302, 200303, 200304, 200305, 141583)


General product information

  • Weight
    0.15 kg
  • Conditioning
  • Odor destroyer
  • Disinfectant action
  • Senteur